دراسة جدوي01

Feasibility study

A feasibility study is the best way to determine if a new project is viable with investors and developers in the market. It is an analysis of the extent to which the project can be completed successfully, taking into account all the influencing factors: economic, technical, financial, and legal.

We have sufficient experience to prepare an integrated financial, technical and marketing feasibility study up to the stage of operating the activity.

We can help you with:

We provide economic and commercial consultations for companies and investors, provide appropriate investment opportunities, and help companies and investors enter promising sectors.

The company also provides services for restructuring the activity and preparing it for exit or listing in the financial markets.

We can help you with:

Providing consultancy for project financing.

Project evaluation.

Mergers and acquisitions.

The company provides its services in cooperation with the investor to plan financial projects and provide project management service from the beginning of the feasibility study to the actual operation stage of the project in addition to assisting the investor in acquiring and evaluating appropriate opportunities, restructuring the activity and increasing the added value of the activity.

We can help you with:

investment advisory

Services restructuring

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

For more information and clarification regarding services, please contact us.